Excerpted from
“Facial Pain The Research Imperative”

By Mark E. Linskey, M.D.

The word imperative refers to something that is both necessary and of vital or crucial importance.  It may also refer to the expression of a command.  For facial pain syndromes new discovery and therapeutic breakthroughs through basic science research is an absolute imperative in the first sense and an imperative from our patients and their loved ones in the second sense.

We know that vascular compression is a necessary cause for the majority of classical TN patients.  Yet up to 40% of normal living patients and up to 50% of patients studied at autopsy have these vascular contacts without having TN.  Clearly vascular compression, while necessary, is not sufficient.  The logical additional factor, that many have speculated about, likely involves additional predispositions related to genetics and/or the biology of myelin nerve insulation, axonal damage, or both.  In my opinion, studies of deferential gene expression comparing classical TN patients to normal population controls carry the highest chance of uncovering potentially new fruitful areas for investigation and future therapeutic exploitation for patients with classical TN.

While the hoped for discoveries from studying differential gene expression in cases of classical TN might be more generalizable to help patients with other facial pain syndromes, this is by no means certain.  Thus, simultaneous additional lines of research inquiry are also desperately needed.  These include the urgent need for a better understanding of the neurochemistry and the psycho-biology of chronic neuropathic pain and the fast-track development of new agents for clinical testing.  It includes studies into the biology of nerve repair and regeneration, through both pharmacological means as well as potential cellular therapies including stem cells.  It also includes the need to study safe means of modulating pain perception at the brain level through brain stimulation technology.

While it is simple and conceptually satisfying to talk about the search for one “cure”, this may be an elusive goal given the heterogeneity and wide variety of facial pain syndromes suffered by patients seeking help through the TNA-FPA.  More than one “cure” may be needed depending on the individual circumstances of each patient.  Yet the quest for a “cure”, whether one or many, all still depend on basic science research advances which are expensive and which take years to develop, test and realize.

As a surgeon, I long for the day when we have therapies that can increase our MVD results to near 100% success, as well as offer hope and more predictable treatment success chances to our non-classical TN facial pain patients.  While I am biased by my surgical background, I doubt that these advances will involve a new pill distributing an agent non-specifically throughout our body.  I strongly suspect that they will involve therapies that will be most effective locally and selectively at the site of pathology or damage, either through direct open surgical application, or needle or electrode delivery into the trigeminal nerve root, ganglia, or brain.  Thus surgery will likely be an important component of any success realized through our research efforts.

Dr. Mark Linskeyresearch imperative is a Professor of Neurological Surgery, currently practicing at the University of CA, Irvine. He trained in Microvascular Decompression (MVD) for 7 years with Peter Jannetta, and in Gamma Knife stereotactic radiosurgery (GKSR), glycerol rhizotomy and radiofrequency lesioning for 7 years with L Dade Lunsford in the first US gamma Knife unit at the University of Pittsburgh. He has continuously served on the Medical Advisory Board of TNA – The Facial pain association since 2003; currently serving as their Western Regional Director. In practice and out of training for more than 20 years, he published the first prospective cohort comparative clinical trial of MVD versus GKSR for typical trigeminal neuralgia and is an internationally recognized expert, and experienced surgical subspecialist in trigeminal neuralgia. He is currently the American College of Physicians (ACP) Trigeminal Neuralgia module editor for their physician point of care decision support tool “Smart Medicine” (formerly PIER – Physician Information & Education Resource). He is also the Co-Editor of the Trigeminal Neuralgia module for the rigorous evidence-based medicine periodic systematic review tool and physician decision-support resource, “Clinical Evidence,” published by the BMJ (British Medical Journal) for the British Medical Association.