National Day of Pain

A Call for National Action Let’s Turn April Fools Day into a National Day on Pain! I will shortly begin a campaign to place the following announcement in front of press and media reporters all across the US. You can help. April Fools Day is known around the world as a day for practical andContinue reading National Day of Pain

ATIP After-Action Report on 9/25 Meeting of the HHS Inter Agency Task Force on Best Practices in Pain Management

On September 25th, 2018, Margaret Wilson, Trina Vaughn and Richard “Red” Lawhern, Ph.D., traveled to Washington DC to make presentations during the public comments period in the second meeting of the HHS Inter Agency Task Force on Best Practices in Pain Management. The Task Force is developing recommendations to Congress for resolution of gaps andContinue reading ATIP After-Action Report on 9/25 Meeting of the HHS Inter Agency Task Force on Best Practices in Pain Management

Dr. Red Lawhern Speaks for Pain Patients at the Inter Agency Task Force on Best Practices for Pain Management

I am so proud of my friend and colleague, Dr. Richard “Red” Lawhern, the co-founder, and Director of Research of The Alliance for Treatment of Intractable Pain (ATIP.) No pun intended, but ATIP is truly at the tip of the spear in advocating for the voiceless masses of chronic pain patients who are currently sufferingContinue reading Dr. Red Lawhern Speaks for Pain Patients at the Inter Agency Task Force on Best Practices for Pain Management

Adding Reason to Rhetoric

How the war on opioids and RESTRICTED access to cannabis is hurting chronic pain patients Around three years ago, I chartered a cannabis education non-profit organization.  At the time, I had been using cannabis for seizure control for about a year. I was using CBD which was legal in my state.  I had met aContinue reading Adding Reason to Rhetoric