Additional Facial Pain Resources

Being a patient-led organization puts us in a unique position in that we have a very intimate relationship with facial pain. Our perspectives, like yours, are time tested and hard earned. There are others who share the “patient point of view” advantage. Check out these additional, patient-produced facial pain resources. End Trigeminal Neuralgia Living withContinue reading Additional Facial Pain Resources

facial pain pamphlet

Order the Pamphlet in Bulk

       For quantities that are too large to print on your personal printer, you can order the chronic facial pain pamphlet and have them printed/delivered to your location. These pamphlets will arrive on high quality glossy paper, prefolded. [contact-form][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Quantity Desired’ type=’select’ options=’25 for $30 (+ S/H),50Continue reading Order the Pamphlet in Bulk