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Journalist’s Name
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Publication Mailing Address

Dear _________,

My name is ___________ and I have Cluster Headache syndrome.

Cluster Headache (CH) is characterized by recurrent attacks of severe one-sided facial pain, which usually involves the region of the eye socket. Classic signs and symptoms that accompany the pain on the same side are:

  • tearing
  • red eye
  • nasal congestion or runny nose (or both)
  • droopy eyelid or pupil constriction (or both)
  • swelling in eye socket region

The term cluster headache originates from the tendency of attacks to cluster together into bouts that last several weeks. In the episodic form of the disorder, the bouts can occur at certain times of year. They are separated by periods of remission, which last at least a month. However, about 10% of patients have the chronic form of the disorder and have continuous attacks with no respite.

(Your story here)

You would be doing a great public service by writing an article about CH for _________ (publication name.) If people were aware of this condition, misdiagnosis would be less common and early intervention would be more common.

I welcome the opportunity to discuss this with you. You can reach me at the above address or send me an email at ____________. Thank you so much for your consideration.
